Always at your back

My Book "Always at Your Back" explores the profound, unspoken power of childhood bonds—those simple, but sacred connections that shape us into the people we become and makes us strong for life. This project reflects an ongoing exploration of bondings in childhood through the lens.

A safe place is not just a physical space—it’s the presence of trust, warmth, and unconditional support that allows us to grow freely. It’s where we find the courage to explore, to stumble and rise again, and to navigate the world around us with a sense of security. In these bonds, children are nurtured, not just in body but in spirit. They are given the space to dream, to rest, to fight for what they believe in, and to develop the faith that, no matter what, they are never alone.

It’s about the quiet strength we draw from the comfort of those who love us, the way a mother’s lap or a father’s shoulders can serve as the sanctuary. These moments, a grandmother's embrace or lying next to a loved one, become more than memories; they are the bedrock upon which we build our resilience.

Early connections with family and loved ones not only provide emotional security but also build the confidence to face the world. These bonds ground us, strengthening our courage and resilience. The love and support we receive in childhood fortify us for life, teaching us the true meaning of strength, trust, and unconditional love. In an unpredictable world, these relationships shape who we are and who we will become—strong, confident, and self-assured.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

(Irish Blessing)


Drawing Memories in the Sand

